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Sustainability Report




  • The environmental policy for our hotel has been updated and our work has been continued within the framework of this policy, aiming to minimize our impact on the environment.

  • Our environmental policy is announced on the guest and staff announcement board and is published on our website.

  • In guest rooms, air conditioners are automatically prevented from operating when balcony doors are open (switches are checked regularly, and those that do not work are replaced with new ones).

  • At various times, our consultant company has held training meetings with all department employees on environmental management issues and these meetings have been recorded.

  • Informational notices were hung in personnel areas regarding water and energy saving and training was provided to our personnel.

  • It has been decided to purchase environmentally friendly products for the renewal and improvement of all energy-consuming tools and equipment in our hotel. Care is taken to purchase Class A products.

  • In order to reduce the amount of waste, care is taken to purchase food and beverage products from local suppliers and in large packages whenever possible.

  • The linen procedure in our rooms continues, thus unnecessary water and detergent consumption is prevented.

  • Water and energy consumption records continued to be kept monthly.



 We aim to reduce our energy consumption by 5%, our water consumption by 5% and our waste amount by 5% in 2024.


Importance of Biodiversity:

Biodiversity is an element of vital importance for natural life. Biodiversity must be protected and maintained for the continuity of natural life and the healthy functioning of    ecosystems. Here are some points explaining the importance of biodiversity for natural life:

  • Ecosystem Functions: Biodiversity ensures the functionality of ecosystems. Different plant and animal species contribute to food webs in ecosystems and processes such as pollination and seed dispersal. These processes ensure the balanced functioning of ecosystems and the provision of essential ecosystem services.

  • Food Security: Biodiversity plays a critical role in providing food resources for humans. Different types of plants are used as agricultural products, fruits and vegetables, grains and other food sources. Animals also provide protein sources such as meat, milk and eggs. Thanks to biodiversity, access to different food sources is possible and food security is ensured.

  • Medicine and Medical Resources: Biodiversity provides medicinal resources through plants, microorganisms and other organisms found in natural life. Many medications and treatment methods are based on compounds obtained from natural sources. Biodiversity contains potential resources for the discovery of new drugs and the development of therapeutics.

  • Economic Value: Biodiversity provides economic value. The tourism sector is based on the attractiveness of the natural environment and biodiversity. Natural areas attract the attention of tourists and provide tourism income. Additionally, biodiversity-based sectors contribute to economic activities through sectors such as agriculture, fisheries and forestry.

  • Ecosystem Stability and Resilience: Biodiversity increases the stability and resilience of ecosystems. The existence of different species allows ecosystems to adapt to changing conditions and remain in balance. Excessive increase or decrease of a single species can lead to imbalances and dysfunctions in ecosystems. Biodiversity supports the healthy functioning of ecosystems and adaptation to environmental changes.

  • Biodiversity ensures the continuity of natural life, preserves the functionality of ecosystems, provides food security, provides medical resources, creates economic value and increases the stability of ecosystems.​


  • Progress Report on Our Goals for 2023 and the Developments Made in 2022

  • The works listed below have been carried out throughout the season since the opening date of our hotel. All work done is recorded.

  • An environmental policy has been prepared for our hotel and work has been carried out within the framework of this policy.

  • Our environmental policy has been announced on guest and staff notice boards.

  • In some guest rooms, the operation of air conditioners is automatically prevented when the balcony doors are open, but it is planned to do so in other rooms.

  • Meetings were held with all department managers regarding environmental management at various times.

  • Informational notices about water and energy saving have been hung in staff areas.

  • In our hotel, an inventory of all gas-consuming vehicles and equipment has been made and renovation and improvement works are being carried out on devices that consume hazardous gas. It has been decided to purchase environmentally friendly products in the next period.

  • Care is taken to purchase food and beverage products from local suppliers and in large packages whenever possible.

  • Water and electricity consumption records were prepared and started to be kept monthly. These records are monitored and action is taken regarding possible indicators.

  • It is planned to convert the switched lamps in some less active locations into sensor lamps.

  • Flushes in guest rooms and common areas are set to 6 liters.

  • A kg tracking chart was prepared for glass, plastic, paper and metal waste, and records of the sent waste were kept daily and monthly during the 2022 tourism season. It will be kept daily starting from the 2023 tourism season.

  • Water leaks in the pool engine room were checked and the problems were resolved.

  • The pool chemicals used are ministry approved and suitable for environmental use.

  • Studies on waste (on-site separation)

  • Stained sheets are turned into drying and glass wiping cloths.

  • Printing the printer outputs both front and back as much as possible.

  • Collecting waste oils and delivering them to our contracted company, KOLZA, against a written record.

  • Short and Medium Term Plans

  • Short term goals 0-2 years

  • Replacement of all fluorescent and general lighting in the back service areas with LED lighting. Sensor lighting has been introduced in guest floor corridors.

  • Use of darkness-sensitive general area lighting.

  • Switching to the use of sensor lamps in areas with low movement

  • Increasing timing device usage areas

  •  Long Term goals 2-5 years

  • Use of colormatic glass.

  • Switching to systems that produce electricity using wind and solar energy.

  • We separate all garbage in the facility according to its type, develop methods to reduce waste, and monitor the recycling and disposal of waste.

  • We act in accordance with published regulations on the environment.

  • We take care to use appropriate fixtures and 2-stage WC cisterns in various sections to reduce water consumption.

  • We use environmentally friendly, highly biodegradable detergents.

  • We obtain the hot water used from solar energy.

  • We ensure that heating and cooling systems operate at appropriate temperatures and avoid unnecessary heating and cooling.

  • We perform routine maintenance on all devices and vehicles in our facility.

  • When purchasing new devices, we prefer devices with a high energy efficiency class.

  • We prefer to use cold water instead of hot water at appropriate stages of our service.

  • We plan the placement of heating and cooling equipment in a way that does not reduce the efficiency of the equipment.

  • We take care to use energy-saving lighting throughout the facility and motion-sensitive lighting in appropriate areas.

  • We provide planned training to our staff in order to keep energy consumption and chemical consumption at appropriate levels.

  • We use electronic media in our internal and external communication, except in cases of necessity, and avoid unnecessary printing.

  • We use automation systems in heating, cooling and lighting.

  • Used but not completely worn out items can be stored in schools, dormitories, etc. We send it to organizations in need.

  • We change towels and sheets every other day unless our guests request it.

  • We keep the sea and beach clean, participate in and support environmental awareness events.

  • We try to control energy consumption in the rooms with a card system.

  • We use cotton towels and sheets in our rooms.

  • We take care to work with suppliers who have practices to protect the environment.

  • We support activities aimed at the protection and improvement of historical and touristic areas and participate in events.

  • We prevent any kind of construction that would damage the natural structure, and we prefer nature-friendly designs in our facility renovations.




Live music broadcasting permission has been obtained in our facility for 2023. Environmental permit of the facility has been obtained and is valid for 5 years.

We fulfill all our legal requirements regarding the environment (EIA is not required, Zero Waste Certificate, etc.) and follow our legal obligations.

With emphasis on continuous education, trainings are given periodically on different subjects.

(Department On-the-Job Training, Hygiene and Food Safety Training, Environmental Training, Chemical Use Training and Sustainability Tourism Training are provided.)

Importance is given to employing disabled personnel in our business.


Our business supports local people and students within its means.




The facility's social project manager has been appointed.





In accordance with the facility policy, social projects have been planned to raise the awareness of the guests and local people, especially the employees, and to ensure their continuity, with the understanding of social responsibility brought by our brand.


Projects Done:

We have made and continue to make positive discrimination, such as not letting women work at night, not making them do heavy work, not employing child workers.


In addition to the health care provided by the social security system to all employees, our workplace physician constantly provides health services to our employees within the facility.


It has been included in the target plan to place blue cap collection units at certain points in our facility, and disabled living (wheelchair) will be supported with the blue cap collection campaign.

At the beginning of each month, our staff organizes birthday celebrations and motivational meals for the birthdays of those born that month. Before the season starts and at regular intervals, our staff is given training on topics such as Environmental Health, Food Safety and Hygiene.


We have special products in the Beachfront Restaurant menu to introduce the local flavors of our country to our guests.


Turkish Music Nights, where local flavors are presented and performed by regional artists, are exhibited.



Progress Report on Our 2024 Goals and Developments Made in 2023



Beachfront Hotel sees it as its responsibility to contribute to the development of the environment, employees and society.

Our company is determined to continue increasing its tourism and non-governmental organization memberships, local community relations and support projects to local governments.

It supports the cultural richness and local producers in the region and contributes to the local economy. A local honey stand has been established in our facility. It prefers local products and provides employment opportunities to people living in the regions where the facility is located.

Importance is given to employing disabled personnel in our business.

It aims to work long-term with existing personnel. Implements training programs to increase knowledge, manners and skills.

Our business supports local people and students within its means.

We were pleased to host our earthquake-affected citizens in our hotel.

The menu in the restaurant introduces the guests to the dishes, our national dishes, our local delicacies, the cultural structure of the region, and its music.

Progress in supporting international labor and human rights standards and codes of practice

We work with an expert company to ensure the health and safety of staff in our hotel and to provide them with a more suitable working environment.

Studies have been carried out on risk analysis, first aid, and personnel health examinations, and these practices are still continuing.

Additionally, a contract was signed with a consultant company on health, safety, food and water hygiene issues.

  All Beachfront Hotel staff have been trained and certified on the subjects mentioned above.

Topics that can be covered:

We have set targets for helping weak groups, activities (disabled people, nursing homes) - visiting, making a cake and visiting nursing homes, schools, students, helping people in need, education, donations, goods aid, theater and cinema tickets, etc. and negotiations are continuing.

Responsible for local community relations, Mr. Metin is Bozbaş.

  We have made and continue to make positive discrimination, such as not letting women work at night, not making them do heavy work, not employing child workers.


Social security system is provided to all employees.


Red Crescent blood donation event with our staff

Visit to a nursing home and hosting local students for lunch at our hotel


The items listed below have been implemented. While some of these issues were actually implemented in the past, these practices were developed and records began to be kept in this period.

* A wish, suggestion and complaint box has been placed in the Staff Dining Hall. The key to this box lies with the senior management, and in this way it is facilitated for the wishes, complaints and suggestions of the staff to be conveyed to the senior management.

* In addition to at least the minimum wage, staff are provided with health insurance, food, lodging and service opportunities.

* The uniforms of our staff are cleaned.

* Every month, birthday celebrations will be held for all employees born during the month.

All employees at the clinic contracted on behalf of the hotel have the right to free or discounted examination when they want to receive service.

Staff surveys are conducted, and according to the results, the issues that our staff are not satisfied with (for example, not liking the staff cafeteria food, making menu changes regarding this, etc.) are corrected.




Every month, the staff of the month will be selected by voting among our staff and these staff will be rewarded.



The Beachfront Hotel Quality, Food Safety, Social and Environmental Policy;

The Beachfront Hotel, together with all its employees, has the determination and working power required to provide the best quality service while protecting nature and the environment. While acting with a total quality approach, we protect and improve the dynamic structure of our quality management system and maintain its effectiveness. In order to protect the environment we live in and ensure its continuity; We comply with the environmental legislation, laws and regulations in force in our country and fully fulfill all legal requirements. We encourage employees, customers, suppliers and the local community to raise and adopt environmental awareness through our environmental policies.

For the health and safety of our hotel's guests and employees: We prioritize hygiene conditions by implementing the Food Safety Management system, comply with all national and international standards and legal regulations regarding healthy food production, meet the needs and expectations of our guests and constantly improve and renew our activities.

Our Responsibilities Towards Regional Tourism and the Environment;

The Beachfront Hotel is a member of the Hoteliers Association GETOB and the Marmaris Municipality Infrastructure Association. We fully fulfill our duties of sorting our waste, bringing recyclable waste into the economy, and disposing of hazardous ones.

By establishing an Environmental Management System within our organization, we examine the environmental aspects of all departments and keep our impact on the environment at a minimum level for sustainable tourism.

We also address the demands and expectations of society by providing environmental training to our employees and ensuring that they protect the environment they are in contact with.


The Beachfront Hotel Respects the Environment;

• We support natural life by hosting endemic plant species and animals.

• Since we are in the breeding area of the Caretta Caretta turtles, which are in danger of extinction, we protect their nests and meet the necessary conditions for them to lay eggs. We support university students who come voluntarily to check the loggerheads by meeting their basic food and cleaning needs.

• We save water and electricity by providing efficient irrigation with a drip system in our garden,

• We support the protection of natural resources with our Solar Energy panels.

• We prepare practices and environmental handbooks regarding the economical use of towels in rooms.

• Instead of using chemicals harmful to nature for vegetable disinfection, we provide disinfection with ozone.

• For our guests who may have food allergies, we guide our guests by presenting our food recipes with the meals.


Biodiversity, Ecosystem, Animal welfare, Wildlife Conservation, Visiting Natural Areas and Protection of Natural Areas

It contributes to the Protection of Biodiversity, Ecosystem and Natural Life, and cooperates with Guests, Staff and Local Communities.

It contributes to animal welfare, wildlife protection, and prevention of wild hunting and trade, and cooperates with Guests, Staff and Local Communities.

In order to ensure the continuity of our local relations and to encourage production in the region;
In line with our purchasing policy for a sustainable environment, we purchase local products and services as much as possible. We undertake to comply with the relevant legal regulations and requirements in our industry. We are committed to contributing to the development of local culture by supporting local non-governmental organizations. We ensure our continuity by respecting the customs and traditions of the local people without harming them.

When purchasing our products, we procure them from local sources at a level that will not affect guest satisfaction, thus reducing CO2 emissions as there is no unnecessary transportation.

We establish good relationships with our suppliers and ensure that the materials purchased are paid for on time.

We provide brochures and information to our guests staying at our hotel about historical artifacts, museums, surrounding restaurants and shopping centers.


Our Social Policy;

To support and monitor internationally accepted human rights and to ensure the health, welfare and protection of our employees and the environment while continuing and developing our activities. We value our employees and their contributions. In line with our selection/evaluation criteria such as experience, skill level and merit during the recruitment and employment (placement, promotion, social rights, etc.) process of our employees, everyone is treated according to their nationality, race, religion, belief, age, nationality, sexual orientation, marital status, pregnancy, disability, Equal opportunities are given regardless of union membership or political opinion. In this direction, we act in accordance with the determined criteria and principles in all matters falling within the scope of corporate social responsibility, such as human resources and human investment projects, stakeholder culture and company vision, educational support activities, culture and art development practices.

Where people can bring out their best work by treating each other fairly and with respect; in peace and order; Our company is committed to providing a working environment with a high level of trust, free from unlawful harassment, humiliation, intimidation, threats and discrimination, and these situations are absolutely not tolerated. It prohibits all forms of forced labor. Necessary opportunities are provided for employees to easily express their suggestions and complaints. Suggestion and complaint boxes are kept where everyone can reach them, and the boxes are checked and evaluated.


Ensuring Occupational Health and Safety;

By adopting the legislation and legally determined laws and regulations as minimum standards, we identify the dangers that may lead to occupational accidents and occupational diseases in all our activities, manage the risks, provide safe and healthy environments for our employees, customers and suppliers, It is the primary duty of all our institutions and employees to organize awareness-raising training and information activities for the public and to ensure the continuous development and supervision of the occupational health and safety system.


Child Abuse Policy;

It adopts local and international laws and regulations regarding the rights and protection of children as minimum standards, stands against all kinds of child abuse and condemns these actions, assists legal authorities regarding all these actions specified in the law, has an attitude against child labor and except for interns specified by law. It does not employ child labour, it is the primary duty of all our institutions and employees to organize awareness-raising training and information activities for all segments of society (employees, guests and suppliers) regarding all activities within this scope, and to ensure the development and supervision of children's rights and abuse against them. Any problems will be reported to the police by the Security Department.

© 2022 by © İçerik Beachfront Otel 
207 Sok. No:38 Uzunyalı, Marmaris - Muğla

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